I received my new glasses today. Bifocals that help me see the world a little better and assist me when I want to read something with normal sized print... like a newspaper or most books. I was thinking on my way back to work about my eyesight in general and what I would do if I lost it. Personally, if I had to give up one of my senses (and there are those who think I have already lost my sense of decency, but that's a story for another time), and had a choice in the matter, my eyesight would be the first to go. No question about it.
Why my eyesight? Let me explain...
The 5 senses are of course sight, sound, touch, smell, and taste.
I love to cook because I love to eat. I really enjoy tasting new types of foods, and there's not too many things to eat that I would consider off limits. An important element in tasting is smell, so those two go hand in hand. I couldn't imagine not tasting food anymore. I could live with it, but it wouldn't be my first choice.
I would miss my sight, but it would be devestating to me if I couldn't feel the touch of Sheri's hand on my chest or the way my insides get all mushy when she tells me how much she loves me. I wouldn't feel the wind or sun on my face, my cats when they snuggle up to me... things like that. Plus, what if I catch myself on fire... I might want to feel it before I end up like some of my earlier attempts at BBQ.
So that leaves eyesight and hearing. I have seen many, many sunsets and never get tired of them. I know what Sheri looks like and never grow weary of looking at her. I have seen so many beautiful things that our Heavenly Father has created and I often feel remiss in showing my appreciation for these things. For me, visualization in my mind's eye comes rather easily. I can easily paint my own sunset or snow covered mountaintop. I can visualize a field so blue with bluebonnets that it's hard to tell where the field ends and the blue sky begins. And no matter how old I get, I'll always remember Sheri's face. I really like that I can do that.
Sounds are a little harder for me to conjure up though. I love music and the sounds of running water and laughter. I love the sounds of the country, even as quiet as those sounds are. Give me a choice between and good picture and good music, and I'll pick music every time... but that's just me. For example, I have watched hundreds of baseball games, seeing the runner rounding third base to slide into home for the winning run or watching the left-fielder diving for a fly ball... and I've seen it all through my radio. Living in silence is a more daunting and unpleasant thought to me than living in darkness.
I've felt this way for a long time... but getting my new glasses today made me think about this again, and I thought I would share.
Until next time...
You said it, Buddy. I agree 100%. You know what? You bug me in person, but you're kinda likeable in print.
Love, g.s.
yeah... I'm kinda funny that way
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