Hey everyone
I want take a few minutes and fill you in on something that Sheri is doing.
For many years before we left Richmond, and even before she and I met when she was living in Michigan, Sheri was involved with a project that she was very fond of doing on an almost daily basis. It was called "A Better You" and it went something like this.
She gathered quotes, articles, and other items that were uplifting, informational, inspiring, etc... She sent several of these out in an e-mail every day to literally hundreds of people (including me) who had signed up for the service. She did this with no compensation in return; except for the knowledge that she was sending love and enlightenment out into the world to persons she both knew and didn't know alike.
When we moved to Missouri though, we had to wait a few weeks before we had internet access, and she lost her e-mail list. Too much time had elapsed and all of the sent e-mails were no longer in her AOL mailbox. She was truly devastated. There was really no way to retrieve the e-mail list either. We looked at some of the e-mails I had saved but she would always send it to herself and "blind cc" the rest of the list. That way, everyone wouldn't be inundated with e-mails should someone wish to comment on something she'd sent. So, not having the list anymore, we thought "A Better You" was gone for good.
We thought.
While I was looking for an e-mail on my old Comcast account Sunday morning, I came across that folder titled "A Better You". For some reason I clicked on one of the e-mails (there's about 175 in that folder) and the first thing I saw was the list of e-mail addresses in the "sent to:" area. I couldn't believe it. I was as surprised as I could be and I copied the list for her and couldn't wait to call and tell her what I had found. Self promotion sure helps sometimes, you know. We later went through every single one of those e-mails I had saved, but that one that I clicked on was the only one... the only one... that she had forgotten to "blind cc". What a break... and after all this time, too.
Therefore, she has decided to resume "A Better You", only in a new format. In keeping up in the 21st century, she has set up a blog where she will post the same kinds of things she did before. She is so very excited to be doing this again, and I can't help but to be thrilled for her. I have added a link in the "Sites Worth Visiting" section of my own page here, or you can click Sheri's "A Better You" to visit.
So go check it out... I hope you'll enjoy it and add it to your favorite places and check back often.
I think you'll be glad you did.
Until next time...
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